2020. 3. 3. 08:01ㆍ카테고리 없음
The ISO 14001: 2015 and the Plan-Do-Check-Act FrameworkThere are seven parts to the ISO 14001: 2015 Environmental Management System (EMS), based on the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle of continual improvement. They are:.
Context of the organization. Leadership. Planning.
Support. Operation.
Performance evaluation. ImprovementBelow is a brief overview of the requirements for each section. Scroll to the bottom to access the audit checklist.
Context of the organizationThis clause requires organizations to:. have a complete understanding of the factors that affect and can affect the organization’s environmental management. For example factors like climate change, natural resources, regulatory framework, stakeholder expectations etc. identify all its stakeholders and determine which of their needs and expectations become its compliance obligations.The context of the organization determines the actions the organization takes to control its environmental aspects. LeadershipISO 14001 holds the top management accountable for the effectiveness of the EMS and expects them to provide all necessary support to achieve the system’s intended outcomes.The organization’s environmental policy is an evidence of top management commitment.The environmental policy statement:.
Iso 14001:2015 Internal Audit Checklist Xls
should be general enough to be understood by all. detailed enough to set the environmental objectives. should contain commitments:. to comply with the legal requirements. to prevent pollution.
Checklist Para Auditoria Iso 14001 2017
for continual improvement. should be widely available to employees and suppliers 3. PlanningPlanning requires organizations to:. identify and evaluate environmental aspects. identify applicable laws, regulations, industry standards and requirements arising from agreements with stakeholdersEnvironmental AspectsThese are risks to the environment posed by the organization’s activities.ISO 14001 does not prescribe any methodology for identifying environmental aspects. There is no perfect approach either.